Worlds Nature conservation Day

Worlds Nature conservation Day
Worlds Nature conservation Day
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Let us concede, to the fact that a healthy environment is the foundation stone for a stable, sustainable, peaceful and healthy society.

Ardeaf marks this day as the beginning of an epoch of Hope, with its initiative “ 11 Days for Earths Healing’ ,striving towards preventing, halting and restoring our ecosystem, which is a promising venture towards a sustainable Future. It seizes this opportunity to build up and mobilize all the stakeholders all across the world to address the problems of our ecosystem and even acknowledge and celebrate the initiatives undertaken towards restoring Nature, Biodiversity and mankind.

The virus has shown us, as to how vulnerable we are but We then, ARDEAF community, dedicate the coming next 10 years, for environmental restoration. A measure that supports, confronting climate change, Biodiversity and saving millions of species from extinction. It’s a challenge but not impossible. “11 Day’s For Earths Healing” the project launched accepts and dares to raise Global campaign by’ NET ZERO EMISSION’ voluntarily choosing to be a part of Natures regeneration process through, Natural support system. Cease air, road, sea and railways, pausing fishing activities, factories and production units, halting all construction work for 11 days starting from May 1st to May 11th , every year for the coming 10 years.

11 Days For Earths healing” aims to improve the use and management of Natural resources in fast growing cities and the surrounding region, to improve the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem through strategized landscape approach, home based solutions and ecological literacy to achieve a multi developmental sustainable Goals.

Lets Unite and reimagine a Better world, where everything on Earth and Cosmos are alive and have the right to live and regenerate without exploitation.

The virus has showed us as to how vulnerable we are, let us be responsible enough to conserve Nature.


People have to understand that restored environments may take years to function without human intervention and may never be the same as they used to be. But continuous efforts can make a difference one day.

ALSO VISIT: Agricultural production is not a miracle

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