Day 4: Ecological Corridor
This quote by the famous environmental philosopher Derrick Jensen is enough to reflect on the essential role ecological corridors play in the entire ecosystem. Critical yet often neglected ecological corridors are necessary for a thriving planet.
The movement aims to restore Earth’s critical balance, and the Day 4 of the “11 Days For Earth’s Healing” program is dedicated to ecological corridors.
Why did we feel there was a necessity for a day on ecological corridors?
There was a time when our towns and cities were home to countless trees that harbored several species of birds, bees, animals, and insects. However, in the wake of rampant growth, the natural habitat has drastically declined.
With rapid development, the 21st century has not only led to ecological displacement but also to the degradation of the environment.
Gradually losing these natural habitats at the hands of urban expansion and unregulated progress has resulted in imbalanced ecology, eventually contributing significantly to climate change.
Through our dedicated day on ecological corridors, we at ARDEA Foundation propose planting trees, especially near state roads or highways, suitable for the soil and weather conditions, eventually offering a conducive environment for the growth of various species.
Additionally, the urban zone, which remains the epicenter of development activities, has to bear the brunt of the declining natural ecosystem. Even though urging the local authorities to prioritize building the ecological corridors is necessary, we can’t afford to rely solely on the regional administration.
We all have a responsibility to fulfill; we all have a part to play as responsible citizens of this planet in preserving the natural world.
What we build today will have a long-lasting impact on future generations.