Eartherian Center Of Excellence

Eartherian Center Of Excellence

58% of India’s population earns their livelihood by Agriculture which contributes 15% to the country’s GDP. The Green Revolution in the 1960s put India on the path of food self-dependance. Since the 1990s however, India’s agriculture sector continues to fall behind the global productivity levels.

Human expansion throughout the world, continued agriculture to be challenged by several factors such as land fragmentation, biodiversity and land holding patterns that perpetuate the marginal and subsistence nature of the Indian farm. The average size of the operational properties continues to shrink. We have limited access to manpower, financing and markets because more than 83% of farming households have landholdings of less than two acres. Soil degradation and water stressed cultivable land continue to obstruct productivity, while prevalent farming practices add pressure to the environmental footprint of this sector.

Integrated Development

Enhancing Productivity

Improve the Competitiveness


With the restricted post-harvest infrastructure like low quality crops, pest infestation and weak value chain linkages have resulted in post-harvest losses that are in the region of 30% for fruit and vegetables and root crops. More consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and milk contribute to spiralling food inflation levels thus increasing per capita income. Food processing levels continue to be exceptionally low, offering limited levels of value addition.

India faces serious degradation or mismanagement of soil, water, forest and biodiversity resources by both irrigated and dryland agro-ecosystems. Our focus should be Increasing agricultural production with limited natural resources in a continual manner for ensuring food and nutritional security, creating a vibrant food processing sector and providing assured incomes to farmers remain key national priorities thus maintaining livelihoods and social well being in rural communities. 

It is in this context ARDEA Foundationhas announced setting up of the Food and Agriculture Centre of Excellence. The Centre will endeavour to build capacity while leveraging technology and innovation to improve productivity and the environmental footprint of agriculture. ARDEA Foundation will focus on introducing efficiencies across the supply chain, right from the farm gate to the end consumer.

The ARDEA Foundation three main goals are:

1. To train the young generation in professional and managerial skills in the field of agriculture.

2. To help farmerswho wish to improve their professional knowledge through specialized training farms for advanced agriculture, employing local labor, advanced technologies and relying on innovative methods.

3. Improving global competitiveness to initiate independent production entities that provides a high return for investors.

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