ARDEA Foundation

Mission To Save

Our Beloved 'Home'

Contribute & breathe life into our planet

One Planet, One Future


Your participation is as crucial as your meaningful contribution toward our mission. Join hands with us today because even the smallest of contributions has the power to create a positive ripple effect.


11 Days
For Earth’s Healing

Global Ecological Movement to help heal Mother Earth!

Climate change is real, and it’s happening, and “11 Days for Earth’s Healing” is an opportunity to protect Mother Earth, harness the power of collaborative action, and start investing in shared prosperity, well-being, and planetary health.

Agriculture bank

Agriculture Knowledge Bank

Empowering farmers with better knowledge & accurate information

The ARDEA Foundation, through its agriculture arm, Green TV India, is committed to empowering Indian farmers with better knowledge and accurate information, aiming to uplift their lives by improving their livelihoods and securing the country's food supply.

Global Ecological Movement Service

Make a donation using the details below:

(for payments in USD or any other international currency)

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